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What does ‘WOW’ Factor mean?


‘WOW’ is an expression that describes a MEMORABLE experience. It includes 2 critical ingredients:

  • Surprise AND

  • Spectacular de-light

  • Single ingredient is better than neither

  • Best ‘WOW’ comes from combining both

  • Most gifts are NOT memorable, lack ‘WOW’ and are quickly forgotten

  • In contrast, gifts that incorporate ‘WOW’ become memorable


Why does ‘WOW’ Factor matter?

  • People remember ‘WOW’ experiences - and, associate the FEELING they get with the person who created this experience

  • Giving your client a ‘WOW’ gift means each time they remember the ‘WOW’ moment, they will also remember you by association

  • As Maya Angelou said: "People might not remember what you said or did, but they do remember how they felt in your presence." - So the key question is, when your clients think of you, are they FEELING the ‘WOW’ factor that you added to their life?


What are ‘WOW’ Killers?

  • Giving a gift when expected KILLS the ‘WOW’ as no matter what you do, surprise is lacking - Gifts have the best impact when they are not expected

  • Focusing on you and your needs KILLS the ‘WOW’ for the recipient - If you want to give the gift in person, you are putting the recipient in an awkward position: Even if the timing is bad for the recipient, most people would pretend to be pleased and surprised; and, of course after opening the gift, would appear delighted (even if not).

  • If the purpose of the ‘gift’ is for people to remember YOUR name, this would be a promotional product, not a true gift to honour the recipient. 

  • The referral myth that it’s your job to make sure people remember your name is NOT true 

  • The average person KNOWS the name of 12 realtors - Clearly, knowing your name is insufficient!

  • The key is for you to ensure you add ‘WOW’ to your client’s experience - This will ensure you stand out from the other ’names'

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